In this article, we will show you the steps to take to start a podcast using your existing WordPress site using Seriously Simple Podcasting and will be aimed at beginners and will cover the basics of setting up a podcast with WordPress.
You may download Seriously Simple Podcasting directly from your WordPress dashboard or grab it here.
Setting up Seriously Simple Podcasting
After installing Seriously Simple Podcasting (SSP), a new menu item will be available in the WordPress dashboard titled “Podcasts”. If you have worked with custom post types in WordPress you will be familiar on how to add a podcast to your site.
There are a handful of settings that we need to setup to tell SSP where to add the media player to our Podcasts post type. Navigate to the “Settings” option under the “Podcast” menu item.

Please be sure to select an option for the “Media Player Locations”, I am going to select the “Full content” option so that the actual podcast player only shows when viewing the podcast post. If you would like players to show up in the post’s excerpt, you may select the “Excerpt” option too.

Adding The Podcast To WordPress
You may select the option “Add New” under the “Podcast” menu item, and this should look almost like creating a post/page in WordPress with some extra options (meta boxes).
Just like a post in WordPress, you will create a title and add text to the actual content of the post or show notes if you’d like. Once you have added in the general information for your post you may move down to the Seriously Simple Podcasting settings found under “Podcast Episode Details” metabox (below the post content).

The following options are available:
- Episode Type: Either audio or video.
- Podcast File: Here you can upload your audio or video file via your WordPress media library.
- Duration: The duration (length) of the file, this should automatically be filled in once your post is saved. You can leave this blank.
- File Size: The file size in megabytes of the uploaded file, this should automatically be filled in once your post is saved. You can leave this blank.
- Date Recorded: Select the date in which your episode was recorded. This can be the same date as the published date.
- Mark this episode as explicit: This is if your recorded contents are intended for adults only and contain explicit content.
- Block this episode from appearing in the iTunes & Google Play podcast libraries: Select this option if you don’t want it to show up in your iTunes or Google play feed and should only be available on your site.
Why You Should Start A Podcast
- This allows user’s/customers connect with the owners/team of your brand. It gives your brand a voice.
- It’s portable. Users may download your podcast and listen to it while traveling, exercising or commuting.
- Share your knowledge and build up a community. It builds credibility.
- It’s becoming a popular medium to content market.

In this guide you should have learned how to start a podcast using WordPress and Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin. It covers installation and basic setup of SSP and why it may be interesting to start a podcast for your business. Just like all of our other guides, be sure to do your own research to ensure this will be viable for your business – if the shoe fits wear it.
I’ve contemplated doing our own podcast that’s not tied to the Yoohoo Plugins brand, but would love to be part of more podcasts as a guest discussing WordPress. If you’d like me to be a guest on your podcast, reach out via Twitter.
Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash