Oct 23, 2018
Caldera Forms is one of the most popular, widely used WordPress Contact Form Plugins around, and for good reason! Having had the privilege of knowing and working closely with Josh Pollock, Christie Chirinos and the team over at Caldera Forms for quite some time. I am...
Oct 10, 2018
Choosing the right WordPress plugin may be daunting, I mean there are thousands of plugins to choose from right? This guide will show you what things to consider when choosing a WordPress plugin. Is The Plugin Supported? For us here at Yoohoo Plugins, the most...
Jul 10, 2018
In this article you will learn how to change the default from email address for WordPress. One of the main reasons to change the default email address that WordPress uses to send out emails is for reliability and integrity. Method 1: WP Change Default From Email...
Jun 27, 2018
You’ve most likely seen code within WordPress that uses add_action or add_filter. In this article we take a look under the hood of WordPress and take a dive into actions vs filters. This is a key component that you need to understand, to improve your skills as a...
Jun 25, 2018
In this article we will show you the right way to customize WordPress and keep your site up-to-date without losing your customizations. Firstly, please do not customize WordPress core files. This will cause issues for other plugins, themes or even the general workings...
May 15, 2018
This sometimes happens, where developers make a minor mistake that can make your system stop working and display a 500 error or something similar to this. You’ve recently updated a WordPress plugin and it broke your site. Here are some simple steps to fix this...