Creating a WordPress page using PHP can be a powerful code recipe to have. In this guide we will share code on just how to do that.

This guide will require you to know a bit of PHP to get it working as intended and will cover the basics so that you may implement this in a project you are working on.

A great example would be to create a WordPress post or page when a user is added from Zapier using our WP Zapier plugin. (You are able to hook into anywhere you’d like).

For this guide we will be leveraging the wp_insert_post function.

Show Me The Code

Break Down Of The Code

The wp_insert_post function takes quite a few parameters, but we only need to use a few to get it working. Call this function anywhere to create a post/page or custom post type on any hook you’d want to.

wp_insert_post takes two parameters, an array of data for the post and it’s settings and a boolean value to return an error on post creation or not – we can ignore this for this example.

The $post_data array

The $post_data is an array of values that tells WordPress to add this information to a new post. This includes things such as the post’s Title, the actual content of the post, the author and much more.

Let’s look at the example from above:

  • post_title – This is the title of the post. You may include HTML, JavaScript and PHP. To be safe, you may use the wp_strip_all_tags function.
  • post_content – The actual ‘meat’ of the post. This will be the body of the page/post.
  • post_status – Set this to ‘publish’ to automatically publish the post to your site. If user’s are submitting posts, I’d recommend in keeping it to ‘draft’.
  • post_author – The author of the post. Set this to the user’s ID.
  • post_category – Assign your post to multiple or single categories. In the above example we pass through the category ID’s.
  • post_type – Set this to the type of post this will be: page, post, product or any other custom post type.

This is only a handful of options you can pass through and there is much more. View the WordPress documentation for all available parameters.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. The wp_insert_post function is very powerful to create a WordPress page or post using PHP. This could be creating pages from form submissions, third part applications and much more. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any further questions regarding this guide.

Photo by Hayden Scott on Unsplash

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