We’ve decided to be more open with our development schedule for new projects and figured that the Paid Memberships Pro PDF Invoices plugin would be good for this.

One thing to keep in mind that this roadmap will adjust as we feel fit and won’t address bug fixes as these usually come up as user’s start to use the product. Some issues may arise that we will need to patch with highest priority.

If you have a feature request, please reach out to our support team so we may add this to our roadmap.



  • Ability to load custom PDF templates that won’t affect core code.
  • Add more tags for PDF Invoices, for a list of current available tags have a look at our getting started guide.
  • Shortcode to list all available PDF invoices for a user.


  • Regenerate missing PDF invoices for existing users.
  • Allow users to download their own PDF invoices. This may require adjustments to Paid Memberships Pro core to handle it correctly.


  • Add more PDF invoice templates to choose from with settings.
  • Improved options page for easy customization.

As mentioned before, some of these features will be adjusted as we feel fit for a specific release for the Paid Memberships Pro PDF Invoices plugin. These features aren’t guaranteed to be released within the specified version or released at all as features and bug fixes rely on a couple of factors when building products and Yoohoo Plugins will try their best to implement these features in a timely manner.

Be sure to check-in from time-to-time to see updates to the Paid Memberships Pro PDF Invoice roadmap.

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