In this getting started guide for Caldera Forms PayFast, you will learn how easy it is to setup a payment processor inside Caldera Forms and start charging customers directly from your contact form.

Setup Caldera Forms PayFast Payment Processor

Once the Caldera Forms PayFast plugin is installed, this will add in an option under Processors inside your Caldera Form. In this step we will assume that you are creating a new form from the beginning.

  1. Inside your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Caldera Forms and select Forms.
  2. Select New Form and choose a template of your choice. We will use a Blank Form template.
  3. Name your form and click Create Form. Remember to name it something relevant.
  4. We are going to add the following fields:
    1. First Name – Set this to a text field.
    2. Last Name – Set this to a text field.
    3. Email Address – Set this to an email field.
    4. Hidden Field – Set the value of this field to the amount you would like to charge the user. You may use a calculation field as well.
    5. Submit Button.
  5. Once all these fields have been added to your form, select Processors and choose PayFast For Caldera Forms.
  6. Once the processor has been added, all the payment settings will be available for you to configure to your liking:
    1. Sandbox Mode – Check this option for testing purposes.
    2. Merchant ID – The merchant’s ID of PayFast.
    3. Merchant Key – The secret merchant’s key of PayFast.
    4. Passphrase – This is a secret password set inside PayFast and is optional.
    5. User Email – The email address of the user submitting the form.
    6. User First Name – The name of the user submitting the form.
    7. User Last Name – The last name of the user submitting the form.
    8. User Cell No. – The cell number of the user submitting the form.
    9. Initial Amount – The once-off amount that will be charged immediately.
    10. Item Name – The name of the item being purchased, shown on the PayFast checkout page.
    11. Item Description – The description of the purchase, shown on the PayFast checkout page.
    12. Payment Method – Choose a payment option for checkout.
    13. Recurring – Check this option if the payment should be automaticlly recurring.
    14. Recurring Amount – The amount to automatically charge the user, this is a fixed price.
    15.  Frequency – When should the recurring billing occur.
    16. Billing Cycles – The number of recurring payments before stopping the recurring payment.
  7. Save your form and embed the Caldera Form shortcode where you would like to display the form.


This guide will show you how to setup the Caldera Forms PayFast Plugin for WordPress and will get you charging users using your contact forms in a matter of minutes. If you are experiencing troubles with this please feel free to open up a support thread.