In this article you will learn how to show a member’s billing address in their PDF order, including a way to customize the layout of the billing address fields.

You may add in a predesigned layout of the default Paid Memberships Pro billing fields by adding the {{billing_address}} variable to your PDF editor or HTML file directly.

To tweak what billing fields are shown, you may add each variable of the member’s address individually to the PDF layout:

First Name{{pmpro_bfirstname}}
Last Name{{pmpro_blastname}}
Address 1{{pmpro_baddress1}}
Address 2{{pmpro_baddress2}}
Zip Code{{pmpro_bzipcode}}
PDF variable examples of default PMPro billing fields

In the above table, you can see that the variable is the meta key (user meta) of the default Paid Memberships Pro billing field. The PDF layout will automatically try to replace all variable values that are between two curly braces with dynamic data – generally custom user fields or custom data, as per this guide.

Example of PDF builder with custom fields
Example of adding custom PDF variables to PDF editor

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