The Paid Memberships Pro PDF Invoices plugin allows you to style the PDF using our PDF drag-and-drop builder.

While the PDF builder will get you the desired results of your PDF design and with the ability to use a predesigned template without requiring to write code is enough for most people – sometimes having the ability to alter code directly just helps you fine-tune your PDF to be exactly the way you need it.

The HTML template is stored in the following directory: wp-content/uploads/pmpro-invoice-templates/order.html.

If this file does not exist, you may create it manually or create a new template using the PDF builder to automatically create this file.

To edit this file you may open the order.html using a file text editor of your choice, and the contents of the file are written in HTML (the same that websites use). If you aren’t familiar with tweaking code files or HTML, we highly recommend reaching out to a local WordPress developer.

If you have any questions regarding this customization please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team so we may provide further advice or assistance.