We’re excited to announce that we’ve made our theme (ELI) free forever! All you got to do is register on Yoohoo Themes and that’s it!

There’s a saying that, if you love something you should set it free. Yep, that’s what we’ve done. We’ve released our previously premium (pay to use) theme for $0 forever! You only need to pay a small yearly fee if you need/want support.

The idea behind Eli multipurpose WordPress theme

One day I was setting up a popular WordPress theme, on a pretty low end host and I was struggling. I liked the look and feel of the website but I really didn’t need banners, galleries/portfolios or any other items that wasn’t going to be used. This is when the idea of “Eli” came about, I wanted something that was generic and could be used for any type of site but I didn’t want to overload it with bloatware. I mean, there’s a ton of free great WordPress page builder plugins that may be a bit more optimized than some themes bundling all the functionality all the time.

So our first theme was developed, to focus on minimal but crucial features that a site would need and use and just not load all the other stuff.

Some worthy mentions

Some notes about the Eli WordPress theme that get me excited are:

  • Totally open source, use on as many sites as you want for free or extend onto it.
  • Ability to create landing pages easily. (You can also disable just the header, just the footer or both for your landing pages).
  • Works with WooCommerce.
  • Runs minimal JavaScript and CSS.
  • The styling is based off Bootstrap 4.0.
  • All settings are handled inside the WordPress Customizer – adjust site colors, fonts and footers.
  • Makes use of plugins to achieve desired goals such as Elementor (this works with other page builders too).
  • Lightweight and fast.

The theme is currently used on yoohoothemes.com website and my own personal blog andrewlima.co.za. As you can see Eli is the perfect WordPress theme for ‘simple’ websites and you should find it quite ‘snappy’.

How to download Eli WordPress theme

  • Register for a free account on yoohoothemes.com
  • Download the Eli zip file and install to your WordPress site.

Photo by Filip Urban on Unsplash

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