It’s taken some time to get where WP Zapier is today, but we’re finally please to announce version 2.0 for WP Zapier! Unlimited Outgoing Events, integration with popular plugins like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and much much more!
What’s New In WP Zapier 2.0+
We’re excited to offer great new features that will take your WordPress experience and automation to a whole new level! Here’s what has been added to WP Zapier 2.0:
- Unlimited Outgoing Events: Send data to multiple endpoints for a single trigger. Allowing you to send data to multiple sources with ease.
- Integrations with popular plugins: WP Zapier now supports SenseiLMS, WooCommerce, Paid Memberships Pro, Easy Digital Downloads and Events Manager. There are plans to add more integrations with WP Zapier, please recommend any integration you would like to work with WP Zapier.
- Custom incoming trigger: Added a new receive action called ‘custom’ which allows developers to leverage the WP Zapier receive data webhook and functions with it. Integrate incoming data with custom code and any WordPress plugin/theme you are familiar with.
- (Developers) New hooks added: Added the following new hook
. This will allow developers to hook into this action and this fires when a user’s account wasn’t able to create the user account via the webhook.
Upgrading From WP Zapier Version 1.4
We’ve made upgrading a breeze, no actions are required from sites using WP Zapier 1.4 when updating to version 2.0. Your existing webhooks will carry over and have the prefix “Migrated:” in the title of the Outgoing Events.
WP Zapier Version 2.0 Changelog
- Enhancement: Added support for Sensei LMS integration.
- Enhancement: Added support for Paid Memberships Pro.
- Enhancement: Added support for WooCommerce.
- Enhancement: Added support for Easy Digital Downloads.
- Enhancement: Added support for Event Manager.
- Enhancement: Support unlimited outgoing events.
- Bug Fix/Enhancement: Show thumbnail when upgrade is required.
- Bug Fix/Enhancement: Force strtolower for ‘role’ in the webhook handler.