This sometimes happens, where developers make a minor mistake that can make your system stop working and display a 500 error or something similar to this. You’ve recently updated a WordPress plugin and it broke your site.

Here are some simple steps to fix this issue:

  1. Login to your site via FTP
  2. Navigate to public_html or www folder (you may need to navigate further to get to your WordPress installation directory).
  3. Enter the wp_content -> plugins
  4. Find the {plugin_name} that you have just updated and add ‘-old’ to the folder’s name

This will temporarily bring back access to your site for you without deleting any of the plugin’s data. You then can reach out to support to assist you in fixing this issue or installing a new copy of the plugin you are using, if the newly installed plugin works as intended, you may delete the folder using FTP that contains the ‘-old’ keyword.

If you delete the ‘-old’ plugin from within the WordPress dashboard, you will most likely remove data linked to that plugin as the uninstall script will run.

Using A Plugin To Revert A Plugin To A Previous Version

If only some functionality of a WordPress plugin isn’t acting right, you may be able to simply revert back to a previous version of the plugin.

This is a lot easier for users and you can do so by using a plugin called WP Rollback. This plugin allows you to rollback to a previous or future version of a plugin from if available.

To use this plugin, once it’s activated, simply navigate to Plugins -> All Plugins and under the plugins name should have the option Rollback if other versions are available, select the version you would like to update/downgrade to and click okay and go through the steps.

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